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Zen Buddhism and its practice in Japan

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Zen is the meditative training of awareness and balance . Practicing it gives insight into one’s true nature or the emptiness of one’s existence that opens the way to a liberated way of life.

Zen practice is not based on religious beliefs or doctrines. Strictly speaking, it is not a religion , but an intense investigation of the human condition and direct experience of the nature of existence, what we can call true insight or realization .

It teaches us to let go of attachments, channel thoughts and savor the moment and its most important doctrine is Buddha nature , the idea that all living creatures have the possibility of “awakening”

Although anyone can practice Zen, it requires full commitment and motivation. Patience and discipline are necessary on this long and demanding path, although with very rewarding results.

Zen emphasizes Zazen or meditation in a sitting position using also Kōan which, the latter being stories, dialogues or questions that are used in Zen practice to provoke “great doubt” and to practice or test a student’s progress in Zen , it is practical to train the mind.

The samurai are known to have adopted Zen Buddhism and their main reason was the belief that it made them stronger on the battlefield. They believed that plans and strategy on the battlefield led to death, and Zen helped followers discard such thoughts. In fact, the Bushido Code of the Samurai is strongly linked with Zen.

Zazen is much more than a relaxation or healing method. It is the experience of “awakening” your true self , retracing the path of the Buddha to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Along with Zazen , there is also walking meditation, Kinhin , in which you walk paying as much attention as possible to every detail or event that happens around you.

And to help you in your meditation, creation or moment of relaxation we have at your disposal these products with Zen words in our online store! Japanize your life!