Home » What is Shuriken? Various types of shuriken

What is Shuriken? Various types of shuriken

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Shuriken are often associated with “ninja weapons”, but in fact, they were often used to distract enemies and escape by hitting them as they fled, rather than attacking them. The name “shuriken” is also said to have been forged during the Muromachi period (around the 14th century) meaning “a sword that is hidden within the back of the hand”. Shu means hand, Ri means back, and Ken means sword.

In some cases, the shuriken blade was coated with poison to increase its lethal power. Therefore, they were also widely used as weapons to assassinate important people by the ninja.

Therefore, shurikenjutsu (shuriken skill) was more of a killing technique and not a martial art like sword use.


Shuriken Types

  • A starfish-shaped object: the hole in the middle was made so a rope could be passed through it to make it easier to carry.
  • Bou shuriken (shuriken stick): originally hidden in the back of the hand, hence the term shuriken. A single thick needle-like object (easy to make, can be turned into multiple things).