Home » Travel Back in Time to the Jōmon Period with Bōrō NOGUCHI Hakodate

Travel Back in Time to the Jōmon Period with Bōrō NOGUCHI Hakodate

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As of July 1, 2021, the Bōrō NOGUCHI Hakodate luxury hotel in Yunokawa (famous Onsen area) started a plan or package that includes a visit to the Jōmon Archaeological Zone in Hokkaido Prefecture.

Given the current situation with the global pandemic, it is better to avoid places with crowds and public transport, so the hotel proposes a plan that allows visitors to get to know the place in a safer way.

Visitors will travel by taxi to Hakodate Jōmon Cultural Center and Jōmon Romance Road Station to explore the archaeological site from there.


Thanks to this plan, tourists can discover the Jōmon culture and the national treasures of this period: the clay figures known as 中空土偶chūkū dogū .


The visit includes two other nearby Jōmon areas: Ōfuna 大船 and Kakinoshima 垣ノ島, both of which offer a splendid view in addition to their historical value.

The price is reasonable. In addition to the fascinating visits, you can enjoy the wonderful culinary dishes, hot springs, and the abundant and beautiful nature of the area.

Information in detail

The plan includes a 180-minute visit to the archaeological zone (one car per room).
※Taxi ride is available from the second day of stay.
※Prices depend on dates and number of visitors.


Check out Hotel ⇒ Hakodate Jōmon Cultural Center ⇒ Kakinoshima ⇒ Ōfuna ⇒ Return to hotel or Hakodate.

For more information, consult the official website (see below)

For those who want a different or personalized route, they can contact the hotel in advance by email or on their sites.

Hakodate is very easy to get to by train , including the super- fast Shinkansen or bullet train , making it a comfortable ride from Tokyo. And although it is possible to travel by plane, bus or boat, the train offers the best prices and convenience of all . For an even better price, we recommend traveling with the Japan Railways universal pass called JR PASS , which you can purchase on their website. This pass is purchased before traveling to Japan , arriving at the airport or at any train station , you can pick up your pass with proof of purchase .