Home » Tofu – Japan’s Super Food

Tofu – Japan’s Super Food

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Tofu is an ingredient or dish, very characteristic of Japanese cuisine, which to a certain extent encompasses its characteristics, it is unique, with a mild, nutritious flavor and easy combination with other ingredients. The number of dishes that can be prepared with tofu is limitless!

The tofu is made based on a coagulation process of “soy milk”, the resulting mass is placed in wooden boxes that give it its characteristic shape.

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Its origin dates back to more than 2000 years ago in China. Probably since the Han dynasty, where a very similar dish called doufu already existed. It is believed that it entered Japan during the Nara period, around the year 700, and then spread throughout Southeast Asia starting with Vietnam, probably during the expansion of Buddhism, as it was an excellent supplement to meat.

It was gaining great popularity in Japan, even publishing a book in 1782, during the Edo period, with more than 100 tofu recipes for daily use.

As we said, its origin and expansion is closely linked to Buddhism since it was the perfect supplement to meat and fish, even now it continues to be one of the main ingredients in the kitchen of Buddhist temples or shojin ryori. Its consumption in Japan is massive, undoubtedly contributing to the good health and long life of the population.

Its preparation process can be compared to that of a cheese, but without it occurring naturally. In the case of tofu, soy milk must be worked to obtain it. It is a process that requires a lot of work, in the case of being done by hand; cleaning, rinsing, filtering, boiling, coagulating, pressing, etc. Natural coagulants are used, such as salts of different origins and chemical content, plus calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc. And that can affect its nutrient content.

In any case, tofu is known as a “super food” for its high content of protein, calcium, iron and antioxidants, while being low in calories

Its health benefits, in addition to the obvious ones due to its content, help prevent certain types of cancer, reduce the risk of diabetes, help bone and brain health, reduce menopausal symptoms, and the flexibility of our skin. .

There are several presentations or preparations of tofu in Japan, the most frequent being the following:

Kino or kinugoshi tofu, which is “silky”, smooth and soft tofu. In a way it is the tofu that is not pressed as much to give its shape. Considered the “fresh” tofu that is usually eaten cold.

Momen dofu, which is tofu that has been pressed to reduce excess water in it, usually with a cloth, hence its name, cotton. It is probably the easiest to cook due to its firmness and consistency.

There are also products that come from tofu, even considered, to a certain extent, ingredients, widely used in more complex dishes.

Agedashi tofu which is fried tofu. There is also the aburage, which is a thinner version.

Koya dofu, which is dried and frozen, widely used in Buddhist temples.

Tofuyo is canned or cured tofu from Okinawa.

Kusatake which is the tofu skin, firmer and thinner, easy to cook. Often used as a meat supplement outside of Japan.

Okara, which is the pulp of tofu.

Among the most popular dishes with tofu, and that we highly recommend trying are the following:

Hiyayakko, very simple but because of its spongy and soft consistency, absorbs the flavor of the sauce and other ingredients, with a unique and delicious flavor and consistency

Yudofu, a typical dish from Kyoto, which is basically tofu in a soup. Very similar in concept is in Miso.

Mabodofu, one of my favorites, which is usually made with a slightly spicy sauce made from fermented beans, pork and chilies

Inarizushi, a forced rice ball type, with a very easy taste to accept

Kitsune udo, for fans of noodles, is a highly recommended must-see

In any case, it is an extremely healthy dish and ingredient, easy to prepare and combine, as well as being very cheap.
Especially if you come to Japan, and are somewhat concerned about your expenses, this is a great option to prepare or eat prepared.

Whatever their reason for trying it, they will probably be surprised and liked, since even its taste may be more related to the way in which they will prepare it, be it highlighting it to enjoy tofu, or using it as a meat supplement in other dishes.