Home » Today’s Kanji – Right 右 (migi) – Learn Japanese

Today’s Kanji – Right 右 (migi) – Learn Japanese

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Today I want to talk about a rather interesting kanji: “right” in Japanese, which is written as “右” and pronounced “migi”.

The kanji “右” means “right” in Japanese and is pronounced “migi”

When looking at the kanji “右”, we can notice its visual structure as it resembles a right hand with the fingers extended downwards. It’s like someone is pointing to the right with their hand! This can help us remember its meaning.

And did you know that “右” is also associated with other concepts in Japanese culture? For example, in some rituals and spiritual practices, the direction to the right is considered more auspicious and positive. The right side is believed to be the side of the gods, while the left is related to the impure or taboo. This symbolism can be found in various aspects of Japanese culture, such as the arrangement of rooms in a temple or the way certain gestures and greetings are performed.

Here are some examples of Japanese words that use the kanji “右” (migi):

– 右手 (migrate) – Right hand.

– 右折 (usetsu) – Turn to the right (for example, when driving)

– 右側 (migigawa) – Right side.

– 右目 (migime) – Right eye.

– 右利き (migikiki) – Right-handed (referring to someone who mainly uses their right hand)

– 右翼 (uyoku) – Right wing (refers to the political right wing)

– 右手前 (migi temae) – In front to the right.

– 右往左往 (migiuosao) – Confusion or chaos (used to describe a situation where people move in all directions without order)

– 右抜け (miginoke) – Exit to the right.

– 右足 (migiashi) – Right foot.