Home » Today’s Kanji – Circle, Yen 円 (en) – Learn Japanese

Today’s Kanji – Circle, Yen 円 (en) – Learn Japanese

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In Japanese, the kanji for yen is written as “円” (pronounced “en”) . The character has an original meaning of “circle” or “round” . This is because, in the past, Japanese currency used to be round in shape, similar to an ancient Chinese coin called “cash.” So the kanji “円” captures the round shape of the coin and also represents the concept of perfection and wholeness.

In addition to its visual meaning, the kanji for yen also have a phonetic meaning. The pronunciation “en” of the kanji was chosen because it resembles the pronunciation of the Chinese character “yuan” that was originally used. It is interesting how sounds adapt and transform as words are passed from one language to another.

Today, the kanji for yen is widely used in Japan to represent currency. You can find it printed on bills, coins, prices, and anything related to money. It is one of the most recognizable symbols in the country.

Here are some examples of Japanese words where you can find the kanji for yen, “円” (pronounced “en”):

円 (en) : Means “yen” in Japanese. This is the most basic word used to refer to Japanese currency.

円形 (enkei) : Means “circular shape” or “round”. It is used to describe objects or shapes that are in the shape of a circle.

円高 (en-taka) : Refers to a situation where the value of the Japanese yen strengthens compared to other foreign currencies. Literally, it means “high yen”.

円滑な (enkatsu-na) : Means “smooth” or “smooth”. It is used to describe a situation or a process that develops without difficulties or complications.

円周 (enshuu) : Means “circumference” or “perimeter”. It is used to refer to the distance around a circular object.

円満な (enman-na) : Means “harmonious” or “peaceful.” It is used to describe personal relationships or situations in which there is peace and harmony.