Home » Three Styles of Scrumptious Somen Noodles

Three Styles of Scrumptious Somen Noodles

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When people usually think of Japanese noodles, soba or udon often come to mind (ramen is not a type of noodle, it is a complete dish). Unfortunately, not many are familiar with the sōmen, despite being just as popular among the Japanese.

Like soba and udon, sōmen are also noodles based on wheat flour but much thinner, with a diameter less than 1.3 mm. Unlike its counterparts, sōmen is usually eaten cold; so it is very popular during the summer in Japan.

soba tsuyu

There is no single way to eat sōmen. It can be enjoyed in various delicious and creative ways. Below we show you the 3 modes that we recommend the most, whether at home or in a restaurant!

  1. Somen with Tsuyu

The most common and simple way to enjoy your sōmen is to eat them with nothing more than tsuyu — a light-flavored sauce made from mashed tuna. Although it sounds a bit simple, the combination is wonderful, accentuating the flavor of the noodles, resulting in a relaxing dish.

soba tsuyu 2
  1. Somen salad

In the western regions of Japan, sōmen is often mixed with vegetables to make a type of salad. One of the quickest and easiest ways to prepare a salad with sōmen is simply by adding pieces of cucumber and ham. It is also very popular to eat it with fresh tomatoes and lettuce, but as with any other salad, you can add any vegetables you prefer.

  1. Sōmen as a summer sport

Nagashi-sōmen (stream noodles) is without a doubt the most interesting way to eat sōmen. To serve the nagashi-sōmen; very cold water is made to flow through an uncovered bamboo conduit, then sōmen is placed at the beginning of the bamboo on top and the noodles are allowed to slide with the water. Now you have to catch the sōmen that is sliding down the bamboo with your chopsticks to eat, and place the noodles on a plate that each one has prepared full of sauce. The part of catching the sōmen is the most fun, making it a delicious and entertaining summer dish!

Do not hesitate to try the sōmen in its simplest mode or in any other more creative mode, as you prefer. Don’t forget to tell us about your experience with somen in the comments!