Home » “The Future I Saw” – Prophetic Manga by Ryo Tatsuki

“The Future I Saw” – Prophetic Manga by Ryo Tatsuki

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Today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic that is about a prophetic mangaka, Ryo Tatsuki, who has predicted several events that have happened and others that are about to happen!

Ryo Tatsuki began her professional career in the 1970s and in the 1980s she shared with the world that she had a series of dreams that were very different from her normal dreams and that she felt were prophetic. She began to share a little with people close to her and made her notes and annotations, but obviously at that time she was simply considered as a slightly eccentric or crazy person, as someone who tries to attract attention to sell her manga.

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Jewel Story (Princess Comics) Other titles by Ryo Tatsuki
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Light blue aerogram (Princess Comics)

However, it was not until 1999 that she published a book called ” The Future I Saw ” (私が見た未来) and in it she shared all these premonitions, some of which had already come true, such as the death of Freddie Mercury in 1991 or the death of Princess Diana 1997. He even predicted the 1995 Kobe earthquake.

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Manga Cover ” The Future I Saw ” (私が見た未来)

Being already 1999, many people still did not believe it but it was not until 2011 in the earthquake and tsunami that hit the Sendai area in Japan that people began to believe and saw this manga as something more prescient since the mangaka had already written about the tsunami, giving details such as the area where it was going to happen, the month and the year, and even mentions in her book that in her “dream” she hurt her face (in fact she is the one who appears on the cover of this book covering his face) and this also happened. In addition, on the cover of the book she appears with a piece of paper in her hand where a date is written with the writing “great March disaster” and it is something that surprised many.

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On the cover of ” The future I saw ” you can see written on a piece of paper “Great disaster, year 2011 month 3, that is, March”
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Another detail of the book cover, with a volcano erupting.

The fulfillment of this prediction triggered the popularity of the manga and the questions began about what would happen next and surprisingly in 2020 he was right again. She predicted that that year there would be a worldwide disease and chaos would begin in society and that this disease would disappear and return in 10 years and this has been interpreted with the COVID-19 pandemic. He even predicted in his book that this virus or this disease was going to have a culmination point in April 2020, which was more or less when the current pandemic had its strongest point of contagion.

The curious thing about these premonitions or prophecies is that she more or less calculates that they will happen every 15 years from the moment she has the “dream” and that if it did not happen in that year, it would be fulfilled in the following 15 years. The way she has these “dreams” or premonitions she explains very metaphysically, she can know exactly why but it’s her feeling not as it says error in the manga drawing is impressive

According to the predictions he makes in his book, there would still be two prophecies to be fulfilled and that is where the whole question of how it is going to be comes in, what it is going to be like if he really is a person who is getting it right and saw things or has been an impressive coincidence or if we are the ones who are trying to force the prophecies of our reality to how we are living it. One of these prophecies is said to happen in August 2021 and it predicts that Mount Fuji will erupt. In the last ten years there has been no such significant movement of Mount Fuji, although scientists have said that it is beginning to have some activity, which makes it quite possible that this prophecy will come true.

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A vignette from the manga ” The Future I Saw ” (私が見た未来) where the mangaka talks about the tsunami.

Ryo Tatsuki describes this “dream” of Mount Fuji as if he saw it from far away, so for that reason he can tell which areas are going to be most affected, the intensity of the damage. The next prophecy is even more alarming as it predicts that there will be a major earthquake and that the Yokohama area will be inundated by a tsunami. She sees in her “dream” the water rising completely to the level of the houses and all this is believed to happen in 2026 between June and September.

With his prophecies, Ryo Tatsuki does not want to be sensational, he does not want to attract attention and according to the press it is very difficult to get him an interview. She is already retired and remains active to a certain extent on her twitter and the only thing she does is warn people that there are tremors in Japan at all times, even informing about the intensity and epicenters. She has told the world what she has “seen” not to attract attention but to alert the population of possible disasters and with her messages what she seeks is to minimize and reduce the damage they may cause, since she cannot do more to prevent these prophecies from eventually coming to pass.

No photo of her is known and when she has been interviewed she has always said that all these prophecies are recommendations so that people can act at the moment and even be prepared. She says that it would be better if she were wrong, but if you find yourself in the Yokohama or Mount Fuji area around those years, be alert, regardless of the fact that there have not been any tsunami cases in that area in hundreds of years, evacuate and go to places of protection without thinking twice. That is Ryo Tatsuki’s way of thinking better to exaggerate in taking more security measures and losing half an hour of your life than losing your life in half an hour.

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Manga panel “The Future I Saw” (私が見た未来)

Many will wonder this must be a fraud since no one can see the future or how is it that she says she “sees” the future, what is happening. She has given very curious explanations to how her way of “seeing” the future is and says that she does not necessarily see a fixed image but that it is more like playing a game of chess, to put it in a way, in which you can see what happens if you move this or that piece then your opponent can move this one and you start to see the number of moves you can make and you can come to the conclusion that no matter how many moves you make that pawn is going to fall in the end.

The prophecies are often like someone who is looking from a helicopter at a hill and on that hill you see that a car is going at full speed and that on the other side there is another car that is also going at full speed, both are going down the same street, only one lane and the hill does not allow them to see each other but you can see from the helicopter that eventually those two cars are going to collide head-on and by the speed at which they are going you can calculate more or less where the car is going to be crash, at what height the crash is going to be and by seeing who is in the car you can know more or less how many victims are going to be obviously one of the two cars can brake, one of the two cars can go off the road before and the other does not, you can both stop, you can try to intervene and tell the cars what is about to happen, etc. I mean, there are a lot of options, there are a lot of situations that can alter those plays, a lot of plays.

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Another panel from the manga “The Future I Saw” (私が見た未来)

There are many things that our brain does even when we are not perceiving it. It is like our heart that is beating although we are not taking it into account all the time but many times our brain is tying up loose ends, solving problems, drawing conclusions and suddenly it seems to you that an idea came to you out of nowhere or that you had an inspiration or that you remembered something. Your brain is on full blast like behind the scenes while you are just watching TV or doing something like that. In the same way, it could be that a person who claims to have a premonition, his brain is working at full speed putting together a large number of factors and tying things together that suddenly his brain “tells” him there is going to be a great tremor in this area and he also “says” that there are not enough safety barriers for the waves or there is no civil protection, there is no evacuation plan in case of tremors, etc. and your brain comes to the conclusion that on that date there is going to be a great disaster like a tsunami or some other catastrophe. You don’t have to live in fear but simply take this perhaps as a kind of anecdote, a chat between friends after dinner and amaze everyone and say I know someone who is like Nostradamus but is more modern, from the 70s, etc.

Obviously this manga exists, you can read it and you can also give it your point of view, your interpretation, although it is very difficult to find since it is no longer published and the original versions that exist are sold by people at auctions for about 10 thousand USD .

Did you already know about these prophecies, about this manga? Tell us in the comments!