Home » Temari / Japanese Embroidered Spheres

Temari / Japanese Embroidered Spheres

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Temari (手まり), from Japanese for “hand ball”, is a handicraft from Japan that arrived from China around the 7th century. They are made of embroidered threads with very elegant colors and designs.

The Temari were made with the material left over from kimono making. Pieces of silk cloth would be put into a ball, and little by little more and more pieces would be wrapped around it. As time passed, the traditional temari became an art, where the functional ties became more decorative and detailed, until they came to carry very complex embroidery. With the arrival of rubber in Japan, temari went from being a toy to an art object, although many mothers still make them for their children. Temari became a craft intended for the Japanese upper class and aristocracy, where women of high society “competed” in creating extraordinary designs.

Temari are very valuable and well received gifts, they symbolize deep friendship and loyalty. Bright colors symbolize a long and happy life. Currently it is possible to learn the art of temari and become a master craftsman, although the quality and dedication requirements are very high. It is a very complicated process.

Traditionally, temari were handed down from father to son on New Year’s Day. Inside each layer that covers the temari, the mothers put a small piece of paper with good wishes for their children. The children will never know what their mother’s wishes were for him while she was making the temari.