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Reiki, Healing with Our Hands

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Some time ago, I learned that some people used their hands to heal or relieve discomfort; a Japanese technique known as Reiki (霊気). It is a very soft and relaxing technique, where physical contact is minimal or nonexistent at all, in which it is understood that “ki” or universal energy is transmitted from one person to another to help you heal. In turn, there is a Japanese word, “teate”, which means to care for the sick. The kanji “te” 手, means hand and the kanji reading “ate” 当, which means to put ( 手当、てあて)、意味: (━する) けがや病気などの処置を施すこと。ののぇ

This led me to a curiosity about the subject, which has led me to watch videos and read articles from practitioners recounting their experience. Sharing the practice of reiki as something natural to the human being that brings more benefits than is usually attributed to it.

On May 25, 2018, experience something very special. It was a day before my husband managed to quit smoking.

On that date, my husband was 69 years old, of which he had been smoking tobacco for 50 years. I used to consume a pack of cigarettes in the span of a day and a half. Among its peculiarities, at that time my husband used baking soda to combat toothache, in addition to using it to brush his teeth. My husband says he used a minimal amount of baking soda, but I thought it was a lot.

That day, May 25, 2018, meeting with our neighbor at coffee time, they sat down to talk on the terrace of our house. I offered them a cup of coffee and desserts to go with it. He smoked a couple of cigarettes over the course of two hours. Later we ate as we usually do at noon, nothing out of the ordinary. True to his custom, he took his nap after eating. After his nap he told me that he couldn’t sleep because he had stomach pain. All afternoon he was in severe pain, and at dinner time he had a bowl of white rice with hot water (a Japanese dish called Okayu), perhaps some apple wedges, and a cup of chamomile tea. As the pain did not subside, he went to bed earlier than usual.

At that time, I used to put my hands on my belly at bedtime, especially in the stomach area. I told my husband that I was going to pass on my energy that I felt in my hands. I rubbed my hands over his stomach for a long time, and then gave him a back rub. I don’t remember his reaction at that precise moment, but we fell asleep. The next day, my husband told me that he slept well through the night and his stomach didn’t hurt anymore.

On May 26, 2018, in the morning, my husband took out the cigarettes that were left in the pack, and destroyed them along with another unopened pack. From that day, and to date (September 24, 2021) he has not smoked again. He continues with his habit of having a daily cup of coffee, and stopped using baking soda.