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In the previous video, mention was made of what we will present today in more detail regarding the enigmatic archaeological vestiges and the widely reiterated myths since ancient times and which have led to serious suspicions that have forced the presentation of convincing evidence and explanations.

Fortunately, more precise technologies and a more impartial and dedicated investigative will have been able to follow the clues that have survived from the depths of the seas; from the frozen layers of the permafrost; of the sedimentary strata of the depths of the subsoil; of the passageways that run through the interiors of caves, their galleries and labyrinths; cenotes and underground waterways, as well as mining operations, and construction and infrastructure works. All these tracks and especially those of the marine fossil type on the slopes of hills and mountains and also the abundant woodland on its slopes that was violently devastated according to still detectable marks. All this leads to irrefutable conclusions. These events occurred approximately 15,000 years ago.

Trusting that all this is true and well-intentioned, we could conjecture about various aspects that may be helpful in understanding rebirth and giving a new beginning to the inhabitants who managed to save themselves thanks to the protection provided by the mountains.

Some time after the enormous floods caused by the floods, the water level gradually began to drop and the long-awaited firm lands began to emerge following the previous appearance of those mountains and hills, that is, the hopeful “salvation.”

The only baggage that those few survivors managed to save were memories and their various knowledge, which were vital to posterity. Ahead, the civilizations that had just been obliterated would have to be REBORN. Their situation in many circumstances resembled primitive existential states. However, to recover what was lost would be more expeditious for some human groups, thanks to their previous knowledge; to the number of inhabitants they made up; their geographical location and the natural resources that favored them and, therefore, it would be necessary to relaunch the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals while, in parallel, they would deal with reactivating other basic trades, until that finally some more privileged groups managed to start what we know as the primitive civilizations.

It is worth saying that every social community group creates its own culture, however, civilization is characterized by much more sophisticated achievements and achievements in many aspects, both social and material, that are typical of transcendental advances with greater repercussions.

It is logical that the most admirable civilizations have been those that have achieved harmony in most of the aspects that can be translated into the greatest development of their inhabitants, trying not to incur in violently provocative, immoral attitudes, postures or claims; injustices, discrimination, corruption, and other similar vices that are often sought to be concealed with materialistic, propagandistic, journalistic makeup, and worse still, dark prosperity and ill-gotten fame. These negative traits of societies that have been channeling it from bad to worse end up causing their societies to collapse, or even worse, leading their inhabitants to declare wars with great skill, very little shame and even less morality.

From the very beginning of this new era, all the survivors searched for a way to build their shelters, always seeking, as something implicit, that they form part of a community, regardless of size. The first thing, of course, was to find the most convenient place in terms of security in the face of the danger of wild animals and, later, of the threats of other human groups.

They had to be as close as possible to rivers or lakes, avoiding the dangers of flooding. These bodies of water would also have the advantage of attracting a wide variety of animals, necessary for food and, of course, for channeling water for agriculture and domestic animals.

It was essential to determine the sites that had suitable natural materials for the construction of their homes. These materials had to be abundant enough, not too remote to be moved, and suitable for the climate of that place. Any setback or disagreement was discussed in assemblies.

These societies were egalitarian, the tasks and trades that would correspond to men and women, that of the old and even that of children, were divided.

To build their huts, they chose the prototype that they considered the most advantageous in terms of construction procedures, thermal comfort, security for their physical integrity and the flexibility of spaces to meet various activities of the number of members per family.

The construction was carried out by group and alternating among all they made each one of the houses of their own group. One must keep in mind that, as humans that we are, we all have aesthetic preferences and although the model was practically the same for everyone, you could always, individually, give them the artistic, decorative and gardening touch-up or finally whatever was for each preference.

From the very beginning, the organization of these communities required discussing matters of collective interest, so it was necessary to build the space that would fulfill the necessary functions. The same applies to the built space that may be required for magical-religious worship.

Logically, with the passage of time and the population increase of successive generations, both the various types of construction and the location of their human settlements progressively varied.

This long stage in which the design and construction of the houses responded to a basic prototypical process common to the entire community, is more similar to artisan procedures than to architectural ones. Formally, it is given the name of Vernacular Architecture, since there was no formal academic learning with an institutionally recognized professional title nor its equivalence.

The attributes that characterize what is called civilization are those whose achievements are evident when comparing their results with communities that had little progress in the civilizing process. Some of these attributes would lead to the architectural realization that, in its essence, brings together the expressions of space, form and meaning.

The process begins once the community achieves the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. This allowed him to dedicate the essential time to stop to observe, analyze, interconnect, synthesize, and apply the knowledge, gradually acquired, to direct his attention to what would allow him advantages in the activities he carried out. Some of these were to deepen their knowledge more and more; in the improvement of what he was inventing; in reducing the dangers that arise in their work; in treating ailments and diseases; in maximizing the use of your time to dedicate it to whatever you prefer; etc.

We could compare the work of creating the spaces and their envelopes to achieve scenarios that allow the optimal environments that arise from the demands of human diversity. Complementarily, we can emphasize those initial and decisive efforts to move from the primitive hut to the monumental buildings of the civilizations that emerged in our post-Flood history that exemplify the early achievements of the development of WORLD ARCHITECTURE. This in architecture could not have been achieved without first going through the development of writing; complex mathematics; high precision calendars; and a great capacity to integrate symbolic meanings; sophisticated astronomy calculations; Physics applied to stability and constructive mechanics; as well as surprisingly old hydraulic and sanitary knowledge that managed to survive the great catastrophe of the floods. This explains the very short time that is wrongly assigned to later civilizations, when in reality their knowledge was acquired over tens of thousands of years in the days before the Great Flood. Clearly there are astronomical references such as the positions of the constellations and that with the help of computers it has become possible to point out, with cosmic accuracy, the positions and dates with which many architectural monuments of both the Egyptians and those of Mexico, for example, in which the angles of the axes of their buildings were oriented with respect to the stars and also with respect to the alignments between certain cities or with respect to mountains in terrestrial geography.

This knowledge, moreover, was also essential for prehistoric navigation, that is, pre-Flood.

As a conclusion to this theme presented today, we can realize that some enigmas of the distant past have already been revealed, all that remains is for the scholars from museums and universities in the countries mentioned in the previous program to dust off their cellars in which they hide so much information, as well as the demand that the thousands of clay tablets from the Mesopotamian civilization that were looted from the Baghdad museum be returned when the invasion of Iraq, at the beginning of the 21st century, under the pretext of freeing this Iraqi people from the supposed tyrant Hussein.

Let us understand that these treasures are not only the patrimony of Iraq, but are of all humanity. Of course Iraq has an absolute right to keep them in their homeland. I believe that the UN should wake up or disappear since it does not remedy or even denounce these impunities.

Finally, returning to the gigantic task of reviving the knowledge that allowed our reconstruction of civilization to be achieved in such a short time – less than 10,000 years – and that helps us understand that architecture is not only technical and decorum, but also, which is also based on the solid knowledge of History that undoubtedly adds meaning to the links that enrich our training and development, and that increase our enjoyment of what our creativity raises to a level of ART.