Home » Miso Gratin Chicken Recipe

Miso Gratin Chicken Recipe

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A delicious Miso Chicken Gratin, for a Japanese take on Western-style ingredients: stir-fried chicken and boiled potatoes, smothered in miso-seasoned bechamel sauce, then heated in the toaster oven until golden brown and delicious. 

The secrets of the rich flavor of this dish are the kombu dashi , full of tasty flavor to umami , and miso, which go very well with bechamel sauce! 

Servings: 3 to 4 servings


300 g of chicken breast
200 g canned white sauce (béchamel) or prepared to taste
50g white miso
50-100ml kombu dashi
150g potato
1/2 onion
Soy sauce
Salt and pepper
Panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)
2 chopped chives


1. Prepare the bechamel sauce: In a bowl, combine the canned bechamel sauce and miso , and mix.
2. Prepare the kombu dashi : Place a square piece of seaweed kombu 5 cm in a pot with hot water. Boil for 1-2 min, then remove the algae kombu 
3. Add 50-100ml of kombu dashi to bechamel sauce and mix.
4. Prepare the potato: cut it into relatively large cubes and place it in water.
5. Boil the potato, then transfer to a colander to remove excess moisture.
6. Sprinkle with soy sauce to provide a base seasoning.
7. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces.
8. Cut the onion into thin slices.
9. Butter a skillet and preheat over medium heat, then add the chicken breast and sauté. When the surface of the chicken turns whitish, add the onion and sauté until the onion softens. Add salt and pepper to season.
10. Add the potato to the pan.
11. Pour in the béchamel sauce and cook for 2-3 min.
12. Butter the inside of a gratin dish, then transfer the contents of the pan to the plate. Cover the top with a layer of panko breadcrumbs and top with chunks of butter.
13. Bake at 280°C for 3-4 min.
14. When the top has browned, remove it, top with chopped green onion and serve.

bechamel sauce and kombu dashi come together for a rich and delicious combined flavor. When transferring the contents of the pan to the gratin pan, if some of the sauce has solidified, you can add a little more kombu dashi to help smooth it out again.