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Meet the 12 original castles of Japan

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While Japan is home to more than 300 castles, there are only 12 original castles in Japan. By “original” it is meant that the castle tower (or main keep) is one that was built during the Edo period or earlier. The fact that there are only 12 original castles is mainly due to the fact that most of them were demolished by the Meiji government in 1873 , when they tried to transform the entire nation in the Western way by implementing a series of reforms. The old castles were already considered useless and the cultural values ​​were ignored.

Currently you can visit the 12 original castles found throughout the country. Each of them is as fascinating as the other with its unique characteristics, and visiting them gives you the opportunity to learn more about the history and background of Japan.

Bitchu Matsuyama Castle

Bitchū Matsuyama 01

Bitchū Matsuyama Castle is an iconic castle located in the city of Takahashi, Okayama Prefecture . It was built in 1240 by Akiba Shigenobu, a warrior during the Kamakura period, and has been admired by many as a landmark and the most visited tourist attraction in the city. It is known as the only Yamajiro -style castle among the original 12 castles and is located 430 meters above sea level. From the end of September to the beginning of April, especially early in the morning when the clouds around the castle thicken, the castle can be seen floating above the sea of ​​clouds! which makes it a perfect place to take the best pictures of your trip!

Bitchū Matsuyama 02

Hikone Castle


Hikone Castle is a very symbolic place located in the city of Hikone, Shiga Prefecture . Designated a National Treasure along with 4 other original castles (Himeji Castle and Inuyama Castle), it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Hikone area. Construction began with an order from Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1604. The entire castle took about 20 years to complete and prospered as a political and commercial center of the Hikone clan during the Edo period. The three-story main tower is relatively small, but the remaining structures combine different architectural styles from the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, making it a unique historical site. Most of the structures remain in perfect condition, and some of them, including the stone walls and moats, are officially designated as Important Cultural Properties.

Himeji castle


The beautiful white facade is featured in most travel guides presenting the must-see highlights of Japan. Himeji Castle is an iconic building located in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is widely recognized as a representative castle in the Kansai region. His graceful appearance is often referred to as Shirasagi-jo (means White Heron )

The current castle complex, completed in 1609, consists of more than 80 structures and most of them fortunately survived various wars and fires unlike other castles in Japan. In 1993, it was registered as one of the first UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Japan . During the cherry blossom season, the castle gardens and courtyards fill with people who enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms with the fascinating castle in the background.

Hirosaki Castle


Hirosaki Castle is an iconic castle in the city of Hirosaki, Aomori Prefecture . Oura Tamenobu, the first feudal lord who ruled the area, began construction in 1603. After his death, construction was continued by Oura Nobuhira, his son, also known as the second feudal lord until 1611. Although the original main tower ( called Tenshukaku in Japanese) was struck by lightning and sadly destroyed, it was rebuilt during the Edo period and remains to this day. Designated as a National Important Cultural Property , it has been visited by many tourists throughout the year, especially in spring when more than 2,600 cherry blossoms on the castle floor bloom.

Inuyama castle


Along with Nagoya Castle, Inuyama Castle is a symbolic castle in Aichi Prefecture . It sits on a small hillside overlooking the Kiso River that runs along the prefectural border between Aichi and Gifu. The surroundings have a lot of nature and allow visitors to sit and take in the fresh air. In recent years, it has attracted various tourists as a popular tourist spot where you can enjoy delicious dishes and also find small gifts and souvenirs to take back to your loved ones.

Kochi castle


Located in the heart of Kochi city, Kochi Castle has long been admired as a landmark representing the power and prosperity of the Yamauchi family , who ruled the region during the Edo period. Construction was originally started by Yamauchi Kazutoyo , the first lord of the Tosa (Kochi’s old name) clan in 1601. Although most of the buildings were accidentally burned by fire in 1727, these were later rebuilt and some of them survived and they remain there even today. The main keep remains in perfect condition which makes it outstanding among the 12 original castles. This is also the only place where you can take a photo of both Otemon ‘s gate, the main gate and the castle tower together.

Marugame Castle


Situated on a 66-meter hillside, Marugame Castle is known for its stone walls, recognized as the tallest in Japan. The origin of the castle dates back to about 400 years ago, when Ikoma Chikamasa began construction as its subsidiary castle in 1597. The castle grounds are surrounded by moats that played an important role in protecting the castle from various attacks. Its stone walls are claimed as a masterpiece of the most advanced techniques during the early Edo period. As the size and shape of the stones used for each wall is different, you can enjoy comparing the details of the walls when exploring the castle grounds.

Maruoka Castle


Maruoka Castle is the only castle that retains the original structure in the Hokuriku region connecting Kaga Province with Echizen Province . Although most of the castle was demolished in 1871 in the Westernization process implemented by the Meiji government, the main tower survived and is designated an Important Cultural Property . More than 400 cherry trees welcome visitors in spring and offer a breathtaking view when illuminated at night!

Matsue Castle


Matsue Castle was built in 1611 by Horio Yoshiharu and Horio Tadauji , who achieved great achievement in the Battle of Sekigahara . They were officially assigned to be in charge of the Oki and Izumo area, which is currently part of Shimane Prefecture . They started building the castle in 1607 and it took almost five years to complete the construction. It is among the 5 original castles that are designated as a National Treasure . From the top floor of the main tower, you can have a panoramic view of the city of Matsue. Despite the remote location, it fascinates several visitors with its impressive black facade that gives it a completely different impression from other castles!

Matsumoto Castle


Matsumoto Castle is one of the most famous original castles located in Nagano Prefecture . The history dates back to the 16th century and local people have admired it as an iconic landmark in the city of Matsumoto. The five-story main tower is considered to be built during the Azuchi Momoyama to Edo period, and designated as a National Treasure along with 4 other castles (Himeji Castle and Inuyama Castle) The black and white exterior creates an impressive sight with the natural surroundings and Japan’s Northern Alps in the background!

Matsuyama Castle (Iyo)

matsuyama iyo

Matsuyama Castle is located in the center of Matsuyama City in Ehime Prefecture . It is a typical Hirayama-style castle that stands on a 132-meter-high hill called Katsuyama. There used to be about 40 historic structures, and 21 of them remain and are designated Important Cultural Properties . Construction was started by Kato Yoshiaki in 1602, and it took nearly a quarter of a century to complete. The castle is only accessible by cable car or chair lift, which takes you from the base of the hill to the top where the main tower stands. Enjoy the stunning view from the top floor of the castle overlooking the city of Matsuyama and the surrounding nature!

Uwajima Castle

uwajima castle

Uwajima Castle is another original castle that you can visit in Ehime Prefecture. Although the size is relatively small compared to Matsuyama Castle, the beautiful appearance fascinates various tourists with the scenic environment throughout the year. It was originally designed by Todo Takatora, a famous lord who participated in the construction of many castles built during the Azuchi Momoyama to Edo periods. It was later used as a residence and political center for the Date family, who ruled the area during the Edo period. Erected on the hillside 80 meters high, it offers an incredible view of the city of Uwajima with giant mountains around it and the ocean in the distance.

Have you visited any of these castles? Which one would you most like to visit? Tell us in the comments!