Home » Japanese Proverb / Even experts fail

Japanese Proverb / Even experts fail

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There is a Japanese proverb that warns us not to trust ourselves, to be careful with details as if it were the first time we did this activity, because even experts fail.

Saru mo ki kara ochiru
Translation: Also monkeys fall from trees

There are countless times when this proverb is applied to our lives, we learn from our mistakes, we take measures not to repeat them, and yet we are always in constant risk of this happening again.

Something that surprises many people who visit Japan is the precision with which the railway system works and the safety of it. And the “ceremony” with which each employee of the railway system carries out his work is notorious. Platform officers who point to each door, each traffic light and review in detail the safety of passengers. Drivers who repeat the same route several times a day for years, and keep pointing to each of their instruments while repeating out loud that it is “correct”. All this with the sole purpose of not making “expert” mistakes, of not trusting and overlooking something that they could avoid.

And for us, those of us who do not have such strict training, but who want to remind ourselves to take care of the details, we can make use of these nice designs that will accompany us in our daily lives, reminding us that “even monkeys fall from trees”.

Buy yours in our shop on Redbubble or on Teespring . It is also available in Spanish