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Japan Martial Arts

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The Japanese Martial Arts are, without a doubt, a topic of great interest when we refer to Japanese culture.

Basically, we can divide Japanese martial arts into 2 broad categories based on how they came into being. Before the Meiji Restoration: Koryū (古流: こりゅう) and after the Meiji Restoration: Gendai budō (現代武道: げんだいぶどう) Some of the most popular ones are currently part of the Gendai budō, but remember that they usually have a direct relationship to Koryū, although they changed category because their methodology changed.

Iaijutsu [居合術]

Some of the most important Koryū martial arts are: Jujutsu (柔術), Kenjutsu (剣術), Iaijutsu (居合術), Naginatajutsu (長刀術), and the extremely popular Ninjutsu.

Karate [空手]

On the other hand we have the Gendai budō, which basically sought to focus on the spiritual side and personal growth, instead of the fight or conflict. In many cases, reaching the point of being something closer to a sport (at least as a general practice around the world)

Judo [柔道]

The most popular martial arts of Gendai budō are: Karate (空手), Judo (柔道), Kendo (剣道), Kyūdō (弓道), Iaidō (居合道), Aikido (合氣道), and Shorinji Kempo (少林寺拳法).

Kendo [剣道]

Currently, many in Japan practice one or more Gendai budō Martial Arts, and some even practice some Koryū martial art (Sumo being one of the most popular).

Sumo [相撲]

Even some martial arts of the Gendai budō that would seem not so accessible, such as kendo or kyudo, are quite popular in middle schools, high schools and universities. You can buy your own gear (from manufacturers like Tanei ) or borrow from the club you join.

Kyūdō [弓道]
Naginatajutsu [長刀術]

We will be posting more details on each of these Japanese martial arts. History, techniques, events, schools and much more!

Aikido [合氣道]