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Japan and its neighboring countries

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National Territory and Our Life

Japan and its neighboring countries and territories

めあて 日本の国土の広がりやまわりの国や地域は、どうなっているでしょう。
Topic The extent of Japan and neighboring countries

mapa de japon

How many kilometers does Japan extend from north to south?

Between the eastern and western border, dawn breaks “2 hours”

北のはし 択捉島 (北海道)
北緯45度33分 東経148度45分
North border Etorofu Island (Hokkaido)
North latitude 45 ° 33 ‘East longitude 148 ° 45’

東のはし 南鳥島 (東京都)
北緯24度17分 東経153度59分
East border Minamitori Island (Tokyo-to)
North latitude 24 ° 17 ’East longitude 153 ° 59’

南のはし 沖ノ鳥島 (東京都)
北緯20度25分 東経136度05分
South border Okinotori Island (Tokyo-to)
North latitude 20 ° 25 ’East longitude 136 ° 05’

西のはし 与那国島 (沖縄県)
北緯24度27分 東経122度56分
Western border Yonaguni Island (Okinawa)
North latitude 24 ° 27 ’East longitude 122 ° 56’


Territory ▶ Area belonging to that country (including rivers and lakes) Japan consists of four large islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, and more than 6,800 small islands.
Territorial Waters ▶ The sea from the coast to 12 nautical miles (about 22 km) is called territorial water, and shows the extent of the sea that belongs to that country.

北方領土 (択捉島・国後島・色丹島・歯舞群島)

◆ Territorial Disputes
Northern Territories (Iturup Island, Kunashiri Island, Shikotan Island, Habomai Islands)The northern territory, including Etorofu Island in northeast Hokkaido, is unique to Japan. Currently illegally occupied by the Russian Federation, the Japanese government continues to negotiate with the Russian government for the return of these islands.


← Takeshima (Shimane)
← Uotsuri Island in the Senkaku (Okinawa)
Takeshima Island in the Sea of Japan is Japan’s exclusive territory, but South Korea claims it belongs to it.
The Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea are also exclusive territories of Japan, but China claims to be its own territory.


◆ Interaction of the population in the northern territories
↑ Japanese and Russian Children
In Hokkaido, we are interacting with Russians living in the Northern Territories. Japanese children go to Kunashiri Island for a full day without a visa.

MONO  もの知り社会
↑護岸工事が始まる前の沖ノ鳥島 (1987年10月)  

MONO General culture
Is it a small island? But great value!
↑ Island of Okinotori (October 1987) before the construction of the boardwalk begins
↑ Okinotori Island surrounded by piers and blocks
Okinotori Island, located in the extreme south of Japan, is a strange island that is protected by a concrete wall.
Since 1987, the government has built concrete and blocks to protect the island.
Why protect the island for so long? This is because it is possible to secure the resources of the seabed of the territorial waters of Japan and the surrounding areas. The little island can be a treasure island.


Social Studies News
Trilateral exchange between Japan, China and Korea
Children from Japan, China and South Korea are participating in a trilateral exchange, answering questions about their country.
We are deepening the exchange by sharing the culture and history of the other country.
↑ Chinese children dance to the rhythm of traditional Chinese dance.

1 日本は、ユーラシア大陸の東にあります。
2 日本には、北海道・本州・四国・九州の4つの大きな島とたくさんの島々があり、南北に連なっています。
3 日本の各地では、まわりの国や地域に住む人々とさまざまな交流をしています。

Important points
1 Japan is east of the Eurasian continent.
2 In Japan, there are four large islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and many small islands that make up the territory from north to south.
3 In various parts of Japan, we interact with people who live in the countries and regions around us.