Home » Japanese Vocabulary (2) – Simple and Useful

Japanese Vocabulary (2) – Simple and Useful

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Our “RoYuMi mini” are simple vocabulary collections for you who are studying Japanese! Listen to how it is pronounced and learn to identify them in simple situations of daily life in Japan.

Words you will learn in this video:

磁石jishaku magnet/magnet

ホッチキスhotchikisu stapler

ボールboru ball

団扇uchiwa fan

ハイチュウhaichuu Hi-chew (brand of taffy)

計算機keisanki calculator

椅子isu chair

トウモロコシtomorokoshi corn/corn

地図chizu map

inu dog

自転車jitensha bicycle

トウモロコシtomorokoshi corn/corn

宿題shukudai Homework/ Schoolwork

Tシャツtishatsu T-shirt/ T-shirt

ishi stone

下敷きshitajiki Protective sheet for writing

Which of these words did you already know? Tell us in the comments!