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Itako – Mediums and Spiritualists of Japan

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Twice a year, at a sacred site of Buddhism inside the crater of the dormant Mount Osore volcano in Japan, it is possible to have direct contact with the afterlife. Or at least that is the belief that accompanies the Itako, mediums whose origin dates back hundreds of years but is lost in the mists of time. And although its veracity is questioned, the reality is that the site and the legends around the Itako are extraordinarily suggestive, since Mount Osore fulfills the visual characteristics of a place to locate the doors to the afterlife, with strong smell of sulfur and steam coming from the rocks.

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Returning to the Itako, these mediums, the vast majority of whom have been blind, offer their services to visitors to serve as a link with their deceased, be they relatives or direct friends, holding short conversations. As expected, this is done through an elaborate ritual, either for the moment of bonding with visitors, or to start from a very young age in the world of the Itako.

itako japan

Originally, the Itako were blind women who had been trained in the “art” of spiritism from an early age. In ancient times, many people believed that being born blind was a very bad sign and could bring misfortune. The relatives of these girls who were born blind did not know what to do with them, and obviously did not want them to die. One option they had, although it was not ideal, was to give them to the Itako so that they could take care of their daughters and, in a way, learn a trade that would sustain them for the rest of their lives.

Not all the details of the initiation and education that the Itako received in ancient times are known, but it is believed that it involved several years of study and preparation that culminated in a complicated test of “connection” with a spirit, which would be their source of “can”. If the Itako candidate fails this test, she would have to retreat to the mountains to die alone.

It is surprising that in an ultra modern, highly technological society, and in many ways not very “religious”, the Itako concept can continue to exist in active mode. And it is that they have not only survived a society that has changed radically, but even the government actively tried to “get rid” of them during different historical moments. Even the Buddhist Bodai-ji temple on Mount Osore, where the Itako congregate twice a year, completely distances itself from them, emphasizing that they are completely unrelated and do not support this belief. Although at the same time, they tolerate their presence on those days.

itako japan

Among its visitors are not only fervent believers in the Itako’s ability to communicate with their deceased, but there are also many onlookers, researchers and even reporters. For the curious, this is a fun experience, similar to someone who goes to Disneyland to have a good time with their friends; some go with the solid idea of ​​showing that they are charlatans; There is no shortage of those who, although they are not believers, still have doubts about what they have just experienced. And it is that there are many stories that perjure that Itako was incredibly successful, or that they could see through their deception or test in their attempt to prove them charlatans, or even that they passed tests that would be almost impossible.

In any case, there is a certain fascination for the esoteric, for coming into contact with the afterlife, which manages to keep a very particular “profession” alive.

It is very easy to get to Mount Osore by train , including the super- fast Shinkansen or bullet train , making it a comfortable ride from Tokyo. And although it is possible to travel by plane, bus or boat, the train offers the best prices and convenience of all . For an even better price, we recommend traveling with the Japan Railways universal pass called JR PASS , which you can purchase on their website. This pass is purchased before traveling to Japan , arriving at the airport or at any train station , you can pick up your pass with proof of purchase .