Home » Hachiko – A very loyal Dog

Hachiko – A very loyal Dog

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Every day for a year, the golden Akita named Hachikō accompanied his owner, Professor Ueno, to Shibuya Station and every day he waited for the professor to return to walk home.


However, one day the train came but Professor Ueno was not on it. Hachiko came back the next day, and the next, but his master still hadn’t returned, but there was no telling the faithful dog that his master had died of a stroke and would never get off the train to greet him again.


For nine years, Hachikō waited at the train station every day . Travelers and station employees gave him treats and kept him company. He soon became quite a celebrity over the years, inspiring books, movies, art and poetry, even being present at the unveiling of his own bronze statue, a version of which still stands at Shibuya Station and has been since It has long been a meeting place for people.


When Hachikō died on the streets of Shibuya in 1935, his remains were stuffed and can now be seen at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo. A former student of Professor Ueno did studies on the genealogy of the dog, declaring Hachikō one of only 30 purebred Akitas left in the world.


The story of Hachiko is a reminder of the importance of love and unconditional loyalty in our lives. It also reflects the strong connection between the Japanese and their pets, which are considered a part of the family. If you are interested in learning more about Japanese culture and its exciting stories, be sure to read our blog!