Home » Golden Week: Japan’s Most Festive Time

Golden Week: Japan’s Most Festive Time

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Today we want to talk about Japan’s Golden Week , also known as Golden Week . This is one of the most important times for the Japanese, as it is a series of festivities that take place at the end of April and beginning of May. During this period, many people take the opportunity to travel, visit their relatives or simply relax.

Golden Week is made up of several consecutive holidays. It begins on April 29 with Showa Day (Showa no Hi) commemorating the coronation of Emperor Hirohito in 1926 and his reign until his death in 1989.

May 3 is Constitution Day (Kenpo kinenbi) which celebrates the entry into force of the Japanese Constitution in 1947. May 4 is Green Day (Midori no Hi) which aims to promote environmental protection and nature . And finally, May 5th is Children’s Day (Kodomo no Hi) which honors children and family happiness.

During Golden Week , many people take the opportunity to travel around the country. This can be a bit overwhelming due to the large number of people who are also traveling, but it can also be a unique experience. Many tourist attractions are open during this period and you can enjoy special discounts. In addition, many hotels and accommodations offer special packages to attract tourists.

For those who prefer to stay in the city, there are plenty of entertainment options available as well. Many restaurants and shops offer special discounts and there are a large number of events and festivals taking place throughout the country. If you are interested in Japanese culture, this is a great time to experience it first hand.

Golden Week is a very special time for Japanese people and for foreign visitors. If you have the opportunity to be in Japan during this period, you should definitely make the most of it. Whether you’re traveling across the country or staying in the city, there’s plenty to see and do.