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Empress Suiko of Japan

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Japan’s first empress regnant in recorded history

Empress Suiko is known as Japan’s first empress regnant in recorded history (rather than an empress consort). He is credited with spreading Buddhism in Japan, increasing Chinese influence in Japan.

She was the daughter of Emperor Kimmei, empress consort of Emperor Bidatsu, sister of Emperor Sujun (or Sushu). Born in Yamato, she lived from 554 to April 15, 628, and was empress from 592 – 628. She is also known as Toyo-mike Kashikaya-hime, in her youth as Nukada-be, and as empress Suiko-Tenno.

suiko japan


Suiko was the daughter of Emperor Kimmei, and at age 18 she became empress consort to Emperor Bidatsu, who reigned from 572 to 585. After a brief tenure by Emperor Yomei, a clan war broke out over the succession. Suiko’s brother, Emperor Sujun or Sushu, next reigned, but was assassinated in 592. His uncle, Soga Umako, a powerful clan leader who was probably behind Sushu’s assassination, convinced Suiko to take the throne, with another of Umako’s nephews, Shotoku, performing. as a regent who actually administered the government. Suiko reigned as empress for 30 years. Crown Prince Shotoku was regent or prime minister for 30 years.


The Empress fell ill in the spring of 628, a total eclipse of the sun corresponding to her serious illness. According to the Chronicles, he died in late spring, and several hailstorms followed, before his mourning rites began. He is said to have asked for a simpler burial, with the funds going to famine relief.



Empress Suiko is credited with ordering the promotion of Buddhism beginning in 594. It had been the religion of her family, the Soga. During his reign, Buddhism became firmly established; the second article of the 17-article constitution instituted under his reign promoted Buddhist worship and patronized Buddhist temples and monasteries.

It was also during Suiko’s reign that China diplomatically recognized Japan for the first time, and Chinese influence increased, including the incorporation of the Chinese calendar and the Chinese system of government bureaucracy. Chinese monks, artists, and scholars were also brought to Japan during his reign. The emperor’s power also grew stronger under his rule.

Buddhism had entered Japan through Korea, and the growing influence of Buddhism furthered Korea’s influence on art and culture during this period. In writing during his reign, previous Japanese emperors were given Buddhist names with Korean pronunciation.

There is a general consensus that the 17-article constitution was not drafted in its current form until after Prince Shotoku’s death, although the reforms it describes were undoubtedly established from the reign of Empress Suiko and Prince Shotoku’s administration. .


There are scholars who hold that Empress Suiko’s story is false, put forward to justify Shotoku’s rule and that her drafting of the constitution is also a fabricated story, the constitution a later forgery. But like everything that remains in history, we can never know for sure what happened, how much is true and how much is a lie or exaggeration.