Home » Discover the fascinating history and tradition of calendars in Japan

Discover the fascinating history and tradition of calendars in Japan

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Calendars in Japan are an important part of culture and daily life. These calendars are not only used to mark important dates and schedule events, but also reflect the rich history and traditions of the country.

The most widely used calendar in Japan is the Gregorian calendar, the same one used in most countries around the world. However, in Japan there is also the traditional calendar called the “lunar calendar”, which was used for many centuries before the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1873.

japan lunar phase calendar

The Japanese lunar calendar, known as “koyomi”, is based on the cycle of the moon and consists of twelve lunar months. Each lunar month begins on the day of the new moon and has an average length of 29.5 days. The first lunar month is called “Kisaragi” and the last one is “Shiwasu”. This calendar was originally used to determine auspicious days for agriculture and fishing, as well as for religious festivals.

In addition to the lunar and Gregorian calendar, Japan has another calendar that is used in daily life and in popular culture. It is the “calendar of the 72 microstations”, called “sekki”. This calendar divides the year into 24 periods of 15 days each, and is based on seasonal and natural changes, such as the flowering of certain plants or the migration of birds.

migratory birds japanese calendar

Each 15-day period in the sekki calendar has its own celebration and tradition. For example, the period called “Shunbun” marks the vernal equinox and the beginning of spring is celebrated. In this period, the Japanese often visit shrines and temples to give thanks for the arrival of spring and make flower offerings.

Another interesting period is “Daikan”, which marks the beginning of winter and the time when temperatures start to drop. In this period, festivals of thanks for the harvest are held and the traditional winter cleaning is carried out in homes and temples.

japanese calendar chinese zodiac

In Japan, calendars have also become an art form. The illustrated calendars, called “Eto calendars”, feature the Chinese zodiac and a different animal for each year. These calendars are very popular and are sold all over the country.

In short, calendars in Japan are not just a tool for marking dates and events, but also reflect the country’s rich history and traditions. From the lunar and Gregorian calendars to the sekki and illustrated calendars, each offers a unique perspective on Japanese culture. If you’re interested in learning more about Japan and its culture, be sure to keep exploring our blog on Royumi!