Category: History

  • Gagaku – Music of the Imperial Court of Japan

    Gagaku – Music of the Imperial Court of Japan
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    Gagaku 雅楽 literally means “elegant music” is a term that was originally used in contrast to Zokugaku (popular music) It was imported to Japan largely from China and Korea by the 6th century and by the 8th century Japanese musicians had already combined these new sounds with traditional Japanese music giving life to what we… Read more

  • Tsukubai: Spiritual Wealth through Simplicity

    Tsukubai: Spiritual Wealth through Simplicity

    A tsukubai (蹲踞) is a stone fountain that can be found at the entrance to Buddhist temples in Japan. This fountain is used for visitors to purify themselves through the ritual of washing their hands and rinsing their mouths. The name comes from the verb tsukubau which means “to bend down” or “to bow”, an… Read more

  • TOP JAPAN 8 Animals in JAPANESE Culture / Tradition History and Mythology

    TOP JAPAN 8 Animals in JAPANESE Culture / Tradition History and Mythology

    There are some animals that play a very important role in Japanese culture. The tradition, history and mythology of Japan is full of fantastic tales and wonderful beings! (You can watch the video or continue reading below) Today we are going to delve into the fascinating world of animals that have left a deep mark… Read more

  • TRADITIONAL MUSIC of JAPAN: Styles and Basic Concepts

    TRADITIONAL MUSIC of JAPAN: Styles and Basic Concepts
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    How is the traditional and folk music of Japan? We bring you a short introduction to some of the most important genres in the history of music in Japan, in a simple and appreciative way. The gagaku, kabuki nagauta, minyou, geisha music, and much more! We hope you enjoy this first video on traditional Japanese… Read more



    Odawara Castle is very important in the history of Japan because it was one of the castles that was still standing in the ‘Sengokujidai’ war, since fighting between the fiefdoms destroyed the castles. Currently the castle is a museum. In it you can find armor of the samurai, their swords, there is information about what… Read more