Category: History

  • The Architecture of Japanese Temples and Shrines

    The Architecture of Japanese Temples and Shrines

    Japan is full of shrines and temples in both large cities and small towns. And no matter how far apart they are from each other, they all follow the same construction scheme . Shrines and temples are built in different architectural styles that can often be distinguished by the shape of the roof . These… Read more

  • The Empress Fujitsubo – Tales of Genji

    The Empress Fujitsubo – Tales of Genji
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    One of the important characters in the Tale of Genji ( Genji Monogatari 源氏物語) is Empress Fujitsubo . Although he only appears in the first part of the book’s story, his influence weighs heavily on everything that happens with the main character, Genji . The History of Genji was written by Murasaki Shikibu during the… Read more

  • Japan and the Tokyo 2020+1 Olympics

    Japan and the Tokyo 2020+1 Olympics

    Fifty-seven years ago, Tokyo held the opening of its first Olympic Games. It was a very important moment for Japan, a turning point as the Olympic Games saw the country emerge from the devastating consequences of World War II as a united and peaceful member of the international community, a global industrial power and an… Read more

  • How the Great Fire of 1657 Influenced Modern Tokyo

    How the Great Fire of 1657 Influenced Modern Tokyo

    Take a little walk around modern Tokyo, and it will come across as the pinnacle of order and calm. It is hard to imagine that all of this was destroyed a couple of times during the 20th century, first in the earthquake and fire of 1923, and then by bombing in 1945. These have not… Read more

  • Himeji-jō – The castle The white heron

    Himeji-jō – The castle The white heron

    Imposing in the center of the city of Himeji, is the Himeji Castle. A 6-story high castle that has become an icon of Japan, being one of the finest examples of fortifications in the world. Not to mention that it is one of the most visited castles in Japan! From a distance, the elegant roof… Read more

  • カレーライス – Rice with Japanese Curry

    カレーライス – Rice with Japanese Curry

    Along with Ramen, Rice Curry (Kare Raisu) is considered one of the most popular dishes in Japan, having been introduced to the country from India by the British during the Meiji Era (1868–1912). According to historical records, the first person to eat curry in Japan was Kenjiro Yamakawa, who was a member of the Aizu… Read more

  • Hachiko – the friendship of a loyal dog

    Hachiko – the friendship of a loyal dog
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    Hachiko – The friendship of a loyal dog – If you have been in Japan, walking in the Shibuya area of ​​Tokyo, you have surely come across the statue of Hachiko, an Akita dog that is remembered for its loyalty to its owner. It is the symbol of Shibuya Station. Its owner was Hidesaburō Ueno,… Read more

  • Prehistoric jaw fossil from Japan could point to a new species

    Prehistoric jaw fossil from Japan could point to a new species

    Katsuyama, Fukui — The Fuiko Prefectural Museum of Dinosaurs in Katsuyama announced on February 7 that it has discovered the fossilized jawbone of what is believed to be the oldest mammal discovered in Japan. The fossil was found in a lower Cretaceous-era stratum in Ono city, Fukui Prefecture, and dates back to 127 million years… Read more

  • Nobukuni Enami – Japanese photographer of the early 19th and 20th centuries

    Nobukuni Enami – Japanese photographer of the early 19th and 20th centuries
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    Nobukuni Enami was a Japanese professional photographer born in Edo (present-day Tokyo) in 1859. Better known as T-Enami, he studied under the noted photographer Kazumasa Ogawa (Isshin) from 1885 to 1890. A couple of years later, he moved to Yokohama to set up his photography studio on Benten-dori Street. Color photography had not yet been… Read more

  • Onna – Bugeisha – The Mighty Samurai Warrior

    Onna – Bugeisha – The Mighty Samurai Warrior

    In periods like Heian and Kamakura , within the samurai class there were also female members, known as Onna-bugeisha , who excelled and were even present on the battlefield although they were the exception rather than the rule. These women fought alongside male samurai primarily in times of need.  (この投稿のビデオを見るか、以下を読み続けることができます) The onna-bugeisha or warrior women… Read more