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Bonsai – 盆栽

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The word Bonsai comes from the Japanese bon which means “tray” + sai which means “to cultivate” and it is a technique that consists of the art of cultivating trees and plants, usually shrubs, controlling their size through techniques such as transplanting, pruning, etc. . so that it remains much smaller than life size. It is also modeled to create a miniaturized yet realistic representation of the tree or plant in nature.

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The purpose of the bonsai is mainly the delight of contemplating its perfection and the effort and ingenuity for the person who has cultivated the bonsai. That is why it is also called the art of bonsai.

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The art of bonsai originated in China about two thousand years ago and was brought to Japan about 800 years ago and by the 12th century it is possible to see bonsai in paintings and by the 14th century a high level of skill in cultivation had already been achieved. bonsai

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For centuries the possession and care of bonsai was linked to the nobles and people of high society. According to tradition, those who could keep a potted tree were assured of eternity

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Bonsai dating from the 17th century have survived to this day. In fact, in the collection of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo you can see one of the oldest living bonsai trees known, it is believed to be at least 500 years old and is considered one of the National Treasures of Japan. This bonsai is a Japanese white pine which is known as Sandai-Shogun-No Matsu and is documented to have been cultivated and cared for by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Tokugawa dynasty.

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In bonsai appreciation, it is important to imagine a large natural landscape compressed or reduced in a pot or tray.

A bonsai is not a genetically altered plant but is kept small by giving it shape, pruning some branches, leaves and roots from time to time. If the bonsai is cultivated properly it can survive the same time as a normal tree of the same species.

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In general, any species of tree can be cultivated as bonsai, although the most appreciated by people who are fond of this art are trees that naturally have small leaves and that are also resistant to growing in pots, among these are maples, pines, elms, figs, olives and junipers among others.

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The viewer should focus not only on the overall shape of the bonsai, but also on each part, such as the root, trunk, branch, and leaves.

There are a series of concepts that must be followed to achieve aesthetic perfection in a bonsai:

  • The trunk should always be wider at its base than at the top.
  • The set of branches and leaves should have a triangular profile from the front, from the sides and even when seen from above.
  • The branches must be located alternately, that is, it must be avoided that two branches leave the same point
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Bonsai are classified according to their size, appearance, the number of trunks that grow from a single root, the number of trees planted in a group, or by the type of base in which they have been planted.

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The price of a bonsai varies due to many factors such as size, details, where the tree originates from, etc. although they range between 15,000 and 20,000,000 yen.

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Towards the middle of the 20th century, the culture and ideas of Japan became more accessible, among them the art of bonsai, which is why it became more and more popular in the world.

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Looking at a bonsai tree in front of you and observing how carefully each branch and each part of the tree has been cultivated is truly admiring a work of art.
Perhaps now you are thinking of starting this great activity and in some time developing it into an art! We support you with bonsai tool sets of different levels, from beginners to master craftsmen! The best time to start bonsai is now!

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