Home » Benefits of Matcha tea that will make you want to drink it every day

Benefits of Matcha tea that will make you want to drink it every day

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In recent years, matcha has become such a popular drink that you can find it in almost any coffee shop in your country. And unlike most food trends, matcha has maintained its cult status, which means wellness .

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Matcha is part of the green tea family, but it is a unique member. Unlike traditional forms of green tea , in which tea leaves are steeped in water to create the drink, matcha is the powder made from real tea leaves, just ground. Because of this, when matcha is consumed, a higher concentration of nutrients is obtained from the leaves.

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The benefits of consuming matcha are:

  • High content of antioxidants .

Green tea contains a type of antioxidant called catechins , as well as another group, polyphenols . Matcha powder offers a megadose of these powerful antioxidants, which can help reduce cell damage and prevent chronic disease.

  • It will give you more energy than other teas.

Matcha powder has about three times the amount of caffeine as alternative types of brewed teas. That’s about the same energy benefit, or slightly less than a cup of coffee (different coffees have different levels of caffeine).

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  • Reduce stress

Matcha powder contains L-theanine , an amino acid that has been shown to reduce stress. A 2016 study found that drinking a beverage rich in L-theanine can be extremely effective for people with high anxiety. Studies show that people say that when they drink matcha, they have mild alertness and do not experience a ‘caffeine crash’, which could have to do with the L-theanine component.

  • It can make you much more productive.

In a 2017 study published in Food Research International, people who drank matcha tea specifically experienced an increase in attention and processing speed one hour later, likely due to a trifecta of L-theanine , an important polyphenol called gallate. epigallocatechin (EGCG) and caffeine.

  • May help prevent cancer

While there is no specific research to show the cancer-fighting benefits of matcha itself, scientists have 20% agreement that green tea reduces cancer. Study after study has linked the powerful antioxidant EGCG with the prevention of cancer, especially colorectal types (but also breast, prostate, and lung cancers). Apparently, the compound could inhibit the growth of cancer cells by inducing apoptosis, also known as the death of malignant cells.

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  • May promote healthier cholesterol levels.

The A2016 review studies concluded that, thanks to this compound, the consumption of green tea can produce a significant reduction in bad cholesterol (often called “LDL”) LDL is a type of cholesterol that leads to a concentration of fatty acids in arteries build up, which some experts say increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  • It can strengthen your bones.

Most people think of not actively taking steps to build strong bones, but it’s important for your fitness and mobility, especially as you age. Green tea can increase bone mineral density (for example, how solid your bones are), which in turn reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, according to several studies.

  • It works great as a natural food coloring.

There is some research to suggest that artificial food colors (you know, the ones you used as a kid) may be carcinogenic (linked to cancer) or cause “hypersensitivity reactions.” That’s why when the opportunity arises to use food coloring using natural sources, you should take advantage of it.