Home » Montezuma’s Revenge vs. The secret mission ninja bug suicide attack

Montezuma’s Revenge vs. The secret mission ninja bug suicide attack

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Proof of one of the benefits of the banana peel

43 years ago, at the end of October, I arrived at the Mexico City airport. My husband was very excited and told me that he wanted me to try a drink made from the fruit called “soursop”. He bought a can of Jumex and drank the guanabana juice, which I don’t remember what it was like, the only thing I remember is that it was very sweet. Later, at the downtown hotel, he ordered a dish for me called “enchiladas”, and that was enough to make me sick to my stomach for 2 agonizing months. The whole family in Mexico said that this was “Moctezuma’s Revenge”

Recently, during the month of October 2021, about 3 weeks ago my husband asked me about “tepezcohuite”, a cream that is made from the bark of a Mexican tree and that helps relieve skin lesions. He showed me the left side of his back and the side under his arm, and I was shocked at how swollen and bright red his skin was, he had many insect bites. He had been picketing for a week but he didn’t tell me anything until then. Tepezcohuite is very good for healing burns and also non-open wounds, I didn’t know what to say, we applied the cream and waited for the reaction.

The next day, when I was preparing breakfast, I remembered a conversation I had with my husband about the benefits of the banana as food and the peel for a wide variety of uses. I mentioned to my husband if he wanted to experiment with the banana peel, maybe it could improve the itches on his skin.

The treatment: spread the banana peel morning and night on the pimples on your skin.

The result: Almost immediate relief, and after two weeks, the sting spots are completely dry and yesterday I counted how many stings there were in total; 60 bites that an insect pecked in one night. I called it a “suicide ninja” who decided to attack a perhaps “richer” foreign (Mexican) skin. We don’t know why he attacked him so severely.

Proof: The banana peel is used to heal infected insect bites. I highly recommend it. Or at least, it drives away the “suicide ninja bugs”