Home » A Mexican Flower that Conquered the Heart of Japan

A Mexican Flower that Conquered the Heart of Japan

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Cosmos bipinnatusオオハルシャギク( コスモス、アキザクラ 秋桜 )

A few weeks ago, flowers called “コスモス Cosmos” began to bloom in Japan, like every year during autumn.

From my childhood to this day, during the autumn the pink flowers (and other colors too) of Cosmos look beautiful in public gardens, home gardens, riverbanks, and in every corner of Japan where they have the opportunity to grow. They enthusiastically greet the arrival of more temperate weather.

More than 20 years ago I learned that the Cosmos flower is native to Mexico. Checking on Wikipedia it said that they grow in places from 1600m to 2800m high. At the end of the 18th century, it was brought from Mexico as a gift to the botanical garden of the city of Madrid, Spain.

During the fall of 1999 in the city of Puebla, Mexico, we were driving through the peripheral road after the intersection with the Valsequillo highway; throughout the area around the peripheral, still without buildings, Cosmos flowers bloomed. I already knew that they were Cosmos and I mentioned to my family that the Cosmos reached Japan. I noticed they were simpler, wild-type, pale pink flowers. I liked seeing the field full of Cosmos, I felt happiness that they reached Japan, where everyone appreciated them very much and they embellished our lives during the fall. After 10 years or more, little by little they disappeared in that area of Puebla due to the construction of houses. The last few times we passed by, there were hardly any Cosmos blooming.

I feel bittersweet that in Japan Cosmos bloom happily, while in Mexico many treat them like “weeds”. In the subdivision where we lived for many years they continued to flourish like wild herbs. What can be done to protect them? I hope they survive many more years.