Home » Maneki-neko – Symbol of Luck in Japan

Maneki-neko – Symbol of Luck in Japan

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Maneki-neko (招き猫), also known as the lucky cat or fortune cat, is a popular Japanese sculpture that has the symbolism of bringing good luck to its owner. The sculpture represents a cat, specifically of the Japanese bobtail breed, in an attitude of calling and not greeting as most people think.

The Manekineko can often be seen in stores, restaurants, and other businesses. This kitten figure raises its left paw inviting people to enter the shops and carries an ancient Japanese coin in its right hand, called koban (小判). It usually has a necklace with a bell that is believed to scare away evil spirits, and is usually made of porcelain or ceramic.

Maneki (招き) comes from the verb maneku (招く) which in Japanese means “to invite in” or “greet” and neko (猫) means “cat” which literally means “cat that invites to enter”. According to Japanese tradition, the message that the cat transmits with the movement of its paw is the following: “Come in, please. You are welcome.”

Gotokuji Temple is a Buddhist temple said to be the birthplace of the maneki-neko. Gotokuji Temple specializes in the right-legged version of this good luck symbol .

Today, there are thousands of versions of the Maneki-Neko: from tall, chubby cats of various colors, to piggy banks or Hello Kitty figurines. Normally the maneki-neko uses the left paw, which is the one with which it is supposed to attract customers, while if it raises the right paw it attracts money and fortune.

Japanize your life and make the Maneki-neko part of you, a symbol of Japan that we have designed on our products in our store!

You can carry a Koban, that is; an old japanese coin The Koban is a talisman to attract good luck. However, the statue carries a small hammer, symbolizing wealth. If he also moves that hammer or if he wears a jewel, then it means that he will attract wealth. You can also carry a Japanese carp, which is a symbol of abundance and good fortune, or a crystal ball, which symbolizes that it will give its owner wisdom.

The most widespread story about the origin of this cat is that one day a feudal lord was hunting and suddenly it began to rain, so he went to take refuge under a tree near a temple. While there he saw a cat calling him with its paw, the feudal lord went to where the kitten was and just at that moment lightning struck the tree where it had been before, so he understood that the kitten was calling him to save his life. .