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On this occasion we are going to direct our attention towards objects that we consider to be enigmatic vestiges because we do not know their origin, their authors, the functions they fulfilled, to which periods they correspond, etc.

At the same time, we will also consider the ancient myths and that even today continue to call our attention for considering them entertaining and often surprise us with their originality and a supposed talent for telling stories and fanciful events.

However, there are factors that without much reflection, almost like an intuitive suspicion, make us differentiate what are fictional stories, from these others, which come from practically all cultures and regions of the world, as well as from chronologies that are difficult to pin down. , but which have been persistent to this day.

Among the many myths, those that have a background in architecture and cities, we could mention some, such as: the UNIVERSAL FLOOD, which devastated entire cities, both its buildings and its inhabitants.

These include the destruction and sinking of Atlantis and many other cities mentioned in ancient writings, but which have not yet been deciphered, and also the writings of the primeval civilizations, in which various disastrous events are clearly recounted.

In addition to books and sculptural reliefs, when it comes to architecture, its most transcendental representation is present in its sophisticated ceremonial centers and the highly varied pyramidal shapes. Today we can appreciate this modern form in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City, whose pyramidal, or even better, conical shape represents the mountain or volcano, which is a symbol of salvation and rebirth, and therefore of the sacred. .

The myth of the TOWER OF BABEL that represents human arrogance or arrogance and that pretended to be a work of architectural and urban construction with a conical shape representing a mountain that would reach the abode of the gods. This blasphemy was punished by the diversity of languages ​​that the workers came to have and whose confusion caused the irremediable failure (sounds like the UN and NATO).

As for the physical evidence called vestiges, they also arouse our curiosity and arouse our interest in extracting the most convincing explanation possible. For example, very recently, in the West, we have had the opportunity to have the discoveries made by prominent Russian and Chinese researchers, previously censored by the American inquisition, they have shown us sites of amazing constructions undoubtedly made in much earlier times that were almost disappeared. by the gigantic catastrophes of the times of the aforementioned floods and which obliterated almost all advanced civilizations older than that recorded in our history.

Obviously, individuals, writings, constructions, customs, and everything that, although limitedly scattered in the territorial and underground spaces of the planet, at some unpredictable moment, have emerged before incredulous eyes and also before those most scrupulous who made an effort, will always manage to survive. to see the background of an older and more nourished existence that has allowed, in a period less than ten thousand years before Christ, to achieve civilization and advances registered in our most immediate history.

I believe that the great antiquity of advanced civilizations is irrefutable evidence, from before our historical time, if we consider the most recent findings of submerged cities at depths that only with current technology have their location and exploration been achieved. It is possible to verify with details that appear in videos of these sites in the strait between Mexico and Cuba: in India, the city of Khrishna, not far from its coastline; in Yonaguni which is in the south of Japan and which has been photographed in detail, and so on, others.

It is convenient to focus on the fundamental contribution that all this means for the understanding of the manifest achievements in the oldest archaeological zones that still exist, as is the case of orienting the main buildings aligned with the constellations or with the solar and lunar positions on key dates. as are those of the beginning of the seasons; the equinoxes and solstices; the moments of the maritime floods and that of the rivers; rainy seasons; propitious dates for planting and harvesting; animal migration, and, especially astonishingly, the precise creation of calendars; especially those of ancient indigenous Mexico.

In conclusion, both architecture, urbanism, writing, sculptural reliefs, calendars, etc., have served to keep the memory and record of the most valuable and fundamental events and events of human order and organization.

This first theme that we have dedicated to myths and archaeological vestiges, and, in which Architecture is the object of a very high prominence, also turns out to be a testimony of what, even today, continue to appear in various parts of our planet. Unfortunately, many archaeological sites have been destroyed by construction or by the violent forces of nature before they have been discovered. It is also unfortunate the fact of piracy dedicated to the theft of so many valuable objects and that today is presumed in “the caves of Ali Baba” and its infinity of thieves “that supply and continue to feed the voracious prestigious museums and universities such as those of France, England , Germany, the United States, etc., and that they presume with impunity as if they were custodians of those loots. The exhibition of these objects outside the countries from which they come is to condemn them to the same “fate” of so many beautiful animals that have been killed in heartless and idle hunts to later exhibit them in environments of “elegant cemeteries”, not only devoid of life but also also soul.

Architecture is one of the fine arts that worships life and prolongs the spirituality of the soul for countless years. It is thus that these patrimonies that humanity have received and that date from long before the “great flood” and that were the foundations of the great primitive civilizations, such as: India; Egypt; Mexico and Central America; Peru and the Andean zone; as well as Mesopotamia and China. Surely others will be included and we hope they remain in their own place so that their energies of life and harmony shine and vibrate for a long time to come.