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Who are the Miko in Japan?

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If you have visited any other temple or shrine during your visit to Japan, it is likely that you have come across a Miko巫女, young women dressed in red and white going from here to there in the vicinity of the place. Do you know its origin and function?

In the temples and shrines of Japan you can find the Miko, young women who help in the work of the priests and administration of the temple.

For centuries, Miko have performed kagura (sacred dances to entertain and satisfy Shinto deities) performed exorcisms and practiced divinations as they are believed to possess magical powers. They also worked as spirit mediums , channeling spirits and carrying out various other functions as required at their given sanctuary.

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Today, however, the Miko are tasked with performing kagura and other ritual dances during special occasions and assisting the shrine priests in their duties. You’ll often see Miko selling omamori or “good luck charms” and omikuji or “forecasting” at the shrine office windows.

In Japanese, Miko is usually written with the characters “middle” and “female” as巫女. However, it can also be referred to as神子written with the characters for “god” and “child”.


Miko wear a white robe known as a hakui with a red hakama known as a hibakama . When performing dances or kagura , Miko wear a white chihaya , which is a loose-fitting long-sleeved kimono-like jacket, over their usual uniform.

Your long black hair should be pulled back in a simple low ponytail, held in place with a takeaga (a ribbon made of Japanese washi paper) or a mizuhiki (a cord made of twisted washi paper under which a sheet of paper is wrapped. white washi hair)

The items used during the rituals or dances performed by the Miko are called toributsu and include nine different items: sakaki (sacred evergreen branches), nusa (staff with twisted paper streamers), tsue (wand or staff), sasa (a type of bamboo), yumi (bow – with or without arrows), ken (a sword or saber), hisago (a bottle gourd), and kazura (a type of climbing plant). Depending on the shrine and rite, some also use suzu (bells), ougi (folding fans), and bon (lanterns).


As the details of her clothing change depending on the occasion or season, area, and shrine, there is no one correct appearance for a Miko . The only strict points are that, so that your body is suitable for the delight of the Shinto deities. On the other hand, nail polish, bright makeup, watches, earrings and other accessories are not allowed.

Essentially, the only requirements that need to be met to become a Miko are: to be of sound mind and body and to be a young, unmarried woman, as a Miko ‘s retirement age is in her mid to late twenties. Full-time Miko who have reached this age are called Honshoku Miko (head shrine maidens) and wear pine green or dark navy blue hakama or pants and do administrative work or act as kagura instructors for the younger Miko .

Although there are many Miko certified as priestesses, this is not a fundamental requirement when it comes to becoming a Miko. Daughters, nieces, or other young women associated with the shrine may also work there as Miko .


During New Year’s celebrations or other especially busy times of the year, many sanctuaries need extra assistance. During these seasons they will often hire seasonal workers and Miko to help out. And with many shrines seeing an increase in the number of international visitors recently, Miko who can speak English are also becoming more prevalent. It is also possible for people from abroad to experience Miko ‘s work.

The Amagasaki Ebisu Shrine in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, has a program especially for visitors to Japan called the Miko Experience (reservations required), in which travelers can learn more about shrines, Shinto, and Japanese culture in general.

Recently, some large and famous shrines have also started offering Miko experiences or part-time work for visitors to Japan. Many venues in the Tokyo metropolitan area are beginning to implement miko experiences and other activities designed with visitors to Japan in mind. You can find many of these cultural experiences online, if you are interested!

Would you like to experience being a Miko in a shrine or temple in Japan? Tell us in the comments!