Home » A flower for each month of the year in Japan

A flower for each month of the year in Japan

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Japan is not only famous for its futuristic cities, but also for its natural beauty. Every year, hundreds of Flower Festivals are held throughout the country. Although the most famous is the cherry blossom ” Sakura ” which blooms towards the end of March and beginning of April and when people gather for the well-known ” Hanami ” to admire the beauty of this flower, there are many other types of flowers. that you can admire its flowering in all four seasons.

Spring 春 (Haru)

Plum blossom(ume) – End of February ~ beginning of March

Many people associate the cherry blossom with spring in Japan, although this is not exactly the case. In fact, the blossoming of the plum tree is the most accurate representation of the beginning of spring in Japan. The first bloom of a plum tree signals the end of winter and the arrival of spring. In early spring, there are many Matsuri (festivals) dedicated to this particular flower. In paintings or poetry it is a strong indicator of the end of cold days and the beginning of warm days.

Cherry Blossom(Sakura) – Mid to late March ~ early April

桜 sakura 2021

Every year around January or February, experts begin their forecast of when the cherry blossom better known in Japan as Sakura will bloom. They usually bloom between March and April and it is the busiest and most beautiful time of the year. Many Japanese take their bento and drinks out to the park, sit and enjoy the beautiful pink sea of ​​cherry blossoms at the famous Hanami

Japanese Wisteria(Fuji) – Late April ~ Early May

Japanese wisteria reaches its full bloom between late April and early May. It is a magical experience to see these cascading violet flowers in all the parks or some houses.

Summer 夏 (Natsu)

Sunflowersひまわり(Himawari) – July ~ August

Sunflowers reach their maximum size between July and August. They represent the middle of summer and can be seen on most fields and in some parks.

Hydrangeasあじさい(Ajisai) – Mid June ~ Mid July

Hydrangeas are the symbol of the Tsuyu season (the rainy season) in Japan. They bloom in different colors depending on the acid level of the soil: blue, purple, pink, etc. When they are all together it is a beautiful landscape of colors worth seeing.

Lavenderラベンダー(Rabendā) – Mid July ~ August

Northern Japan is one of the most suitable places for lavenders to grow. The place with the most lavender fields in Japan is Furano in Hokkaido.

Autumn 秋 (Aki)

Cosmosコスモス (cosmos) – End of August ~ October

The Cosmos flower blooms in early fall. Like the plum blossoms in spring, the bloom of the Cosmos represents the beginning of autumn. The beginning of the warmer days leaving behind the humid heat of summer.

Lycoris radiataヒガンバナ (higanbana) – Late September ~ October

Commonly known as hell flower , these red lilies are sacred flowers of Buddhism. Legend has it that they are flowers from the sky that have grown to the earth of men. The higanbana flower translates as the “autumn equinox flower” as it invariably blooms at this time of year. They grow along the rivers and the best place to see them is in Ohidan , especially during the Manjushage Matsuri orTsukimi held annually at the end of September.

Chrysanthemum(きく kiku) – September to November

This flower is very important to Japan and the most revered since it is the symbol of the Japanese royal family . Every year, during its blooming season, hundreds of festivals are held across the country to admire these beautiful flowers. Chrysanthemum growers compete for the title of the most beautiful chrysanthemum flowers in Japan. They can be found at most sanctuaries across the country from September through November. Click here to know the symbolism behind the chrysanthemum.

Winter 冬 (Fuyu)

Japanese Daffodil水仙(Suisen) – December ~ January

There are not many types of flowers that bloom in winter, however, the Japanese daffodil is one of them. These flowers are generally grown in southern Japan near the ocean.

Moutan Peonyボタン(Botan) – November ~ February

There are two types of Moutan Peony: one that blooms in the coldest time of winter and the other that blooms just before spring.

No matter what season it is in Japan, there are always one or more flowers to admire throughout the year. What flower did you like the most? Tell us in the comments!